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BreastFast scores 4.1 out of 5, based on 96 reviews in our BreastFast forum.

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26% (18)
66% (45)
4% (3)
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BreastFast Reviews

Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this BreastFast forum.

Author: Breast Enlargement from yourbreasts

Breastfast is a type of dietary supplement that increases the size and shape of your breasts!

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

Breastfast pills are so effective and easy to take. They made me feel confident and sexy. I would recommend them to any woman who wants a bigger bust without having an augmentation surgery!

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Author: Danni Green from USA

I am on a few different medications right now and I am wondering if this pill would interfere with any of them. Does anyone know a list of drugs that should not be mixed with BreastFast? I want to verify things before I order the supplement.

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Author: Anonymous from Spain

I m using breastfast around two months.. i didn t see satisfaited results... but it lacks one box more so... i hope that i ll start see some change in tre months..

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Author: Anonymous from United Kingdom

Unfortuletly hasn't worked for me yet. After few weeks still can't see any difference. Look like it's not for everyone.

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Author: Anonymous from bulgaria

Hi, i'm A-B but i want to be a full C.I wanted to buy breast actives but they don't deliver to my country. Will breastfast work as well and permanent? Cause i don't want to waste that much money for nothing:D

Author: Simona from Slovakia

Breast Fast is GREAT! And it delivers to different countries. I purchased 2 items and I received 1 for free!

Author: Anonymous from bulgaria

Yeah,but is it permanent? Cause i am sure that breast actives are ,but for breastfast i don't know

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

I have started taking these Pills 1 week ago. I hope it will work. I notice a little bit changes, but I am not sure, it can be Placebo Effect at the beginning )))

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Author: Anonymous from UK

After breastfeeding my breast is now empty and saggy. Can I use breast fast? Is there an age requirement? How does it work? What are the side effects?

Author: J from Norway

Good for you! This is a great product to fix sagging breast without side effects!

Author: Anonymous from Kosovo

I am 20 years old , I bought BREASTFAST , can I use it ? Is there age needed ?

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

20 years is OK to start

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

how long does breastfast last because it does say if you stop using the your boobs will go down again

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Author: Anonymous from Singapore

I'm actually very satisfied with my boob size currently. But they are rather saggy due to my weight fluctuation earlier. Will breastfast at least help to firm up my boobs? I feel so inferior when i took off my bra and sees my saggy boobs, PLS HELP!

Author: Mary from BreastFast forum

THat's perfect choice for your task, breastfast works great to increase firmness and provide breast lift!!!

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Author: Sarah H. from Chicago

Along side daily chest exercises, my post baby breasts and not only back to where they were prior to birth, but they are as full as they were when I was breast feeding! Very plump and perky! My husband is a happy man!

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Author: Clare from Indiana

WOO!! I started with about as flat as a woman can possibly be and I have seen growth in only 3 weeks! I am almost a full B cup now!

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Author: Anonymous from Holland

Dear Mrs/Mr, We as 60-plussers want to know if breasfast also works on ouer age. If that is the case than we want to know when we see (very good) result Hope to hear from you asap. Sincerely yours, J.C.A. O.P.D.

Author: Heather from US

I wanted to share because I am older myself. I will be 58 this year and I began taking them a few months ago. What they have done for me was lift, fill, and smooth. They may not look like they did in my teens but I can pass for a woman in her 30's with this chest!

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

I ordered breast fast, they haven't arrived yet but it was great you can click to pay the courrier when they arrive instead of putting your credit card details online

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

Thats really cool. Have you started already? Do you mind keeping us updates, there are few results online about BreastFast's feedback. Im waiting to get my payment so i start ordering soon

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Author: Anonymous from Ireland

Has anyone from Ireland ordered and tried breastfast? Is it any good any side effects or is it a scam I'm afraid to order from it

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

Hello dear. Im not from ireland but facing the same issue. I made sure first that BF isnt a scam. With further research the only bloggers who did reviews were mostly from serbia or germa,.. Etc (all of whom i dnt understand their language). None From england. So i contacted BF contact page 3x w/n reply. Finally i emailed the company they have assured me it is safe and higher users are in EU!

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

So basically its safe. And success rate is a 4.8 according to statistics. For me the price is perfe ct and i like hot deacrete it is. Other brands have an issue delivering where am or sending through mail which i wont allow.the ingredients are found in google images or theoigh ebay sellers (dunno why not in their website) & they are all pretty safe. GoodLuck to us when we order it! hope i helped x

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

Yes I am from Ireland. I am 47 years old. I was a "D" cup but after losing 2 stone weight my breasts became very saggy and didn't fill my bras any more. I discovered Breastfast, and after taking them 3 per day for past five months, my breasts are now perky again and I am measuring a "DD", filling my bras beautifully. I am very pleased with the results.

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

That above post from Ireland should have been rated. I forgot to do so. Would definitely give a 5 star rating. Highly recommend it.

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Author: Ray from MEA

Hello Ladies, I hope I get a reply. I have 34 Full A breasts but I wiould like to go to a full B Cup. I have tried Puerera Murfica pills for 1.5 months but didnt get any results. Felt goo tho. Would BreastFAST work for me? IS it puerira based cuz i think puerira stuff are useless for me!!

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

breast fast pills will not affect any meds

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Author: kbb from Ireland

Does breastfast have an affect on the contraceptive pill??

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Author: danielle from ridgecrest

My bestfriend naught me a bottle of pills and omg they work i used to be flat chested but not no more i would suggest everyone who wants boobs to use this i seen results in two weeks i love this i wish i knew about it sooner

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Author: reet from uk

I have breast size 31 .i want 34.can breastfast really help me ?how long i need to take these pills

Author: Kelly from MI

They will increase your size no matter where you start. It may only be a little or it may be a lot. I got a full cup size where my friend only half a cup size.

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Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

do they deliver permenant results? is it really effective???

Author: Denna from Denton, Texas

Yes, at least in my experience, the results are permanent. I been using this product non-stop for over 6 months and I see cumulative results which are consistent, measurable and delightful.

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

When you stop taking these pills after 6 months, will your breasts then decrease? Or is the increase permanent even when you stop taking the pills?

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

I contacted the company by email and they replied promptly. They suggested when I reach my target, to take 3 pills once per week to maintain results.

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Author: Yulia from BreastFast forum

Wow I used their "The best deal" and got 3 month BreastFast supply for only $1.40 per day! This seems reasonable. Hope these pills will make boobs bigger!

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

Wow! That is an incredible price. This program is worth so much more in terms of the amazing results. I would love to get the product for a great price, but I'm going to keep taking it, no matter what.

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Author: Mrs. Rodriguez from PA

It seems some women use BreastFast to go from big to bigger. For me it is a much more serious issue. I have health problems that caused my breasts to not develop fully as a teen. Will Breast Fast help me? Please advise anyone!!!

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

BreastFast is a great solution for you!

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Author: Anonymous from Edinburgh

BreastFast was the perfect private solution for my problems. I am so grateful!

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Author: Joan Dunlap from Columbia, MO

It took only 4 weeks for me to go from A cup to B cup and now I want to have C!!!

Author: Anisa from Philladelphia, PA

It took a little bit longer for me to see results, but not much longer than 5 weeks and I went from an A cup to a really full B cup. It was very noticeable. I am thrilled. I am going to keep using this product. I love it. So easy to use too.

Author: Anni from Memphis, Tennessee

I started to see results in the 3rd week. By the 5th week I was really seem significant changes. By the 6th week people were asking me if I was wearing a new push up bra. Very exciting to see something work like this. It may not work for everyone, but it works for me!!!

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Author: Amanda from BreastFast forum

Doesn't look good to me!

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

What do you mean by that

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Author: Anonymous from Toledo

OMG they are really bigger!!!!

Author: Shawna from PA

That is what I said when I walked in front of the mirror today! I put on my bra that has always been big on me and I filled it out and THEN SOME!

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Author: Deanne from Casper WY

BreastFast works great!

Author: Anonymous from BreastFast forum

De quoi est composer Breastfast s'il vous plait ? / What are infredients of Breastfast please?

Author: Anonymous from Italy

hello, how it works? one pill a day after breakfast or before?

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